If you have strong opinions or curiosity around AI and have 15 minutes to spare, watch this video by BBC on AI and its impact on the world’s largest movie industry. Shekhar Kapur has some very interesting observations and inferences on the topic.
Category: Technology
Who is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is the junior copywriter every Creative Director wanted.
What does generative art teach you?
With all the focus on generative art currently, we thought we will shed light on what it has taught us until now.
A) Give up control after a certain point.
B) Don’t chase perfection down to the last detail.
C) Focus more on a different way of imagining things.
D) Allow yourself to experience the joy of randomness.
E) Open your mind to a whole new world of possibilities.
F) Learn to enjoy the process.
We have always liked tinkering with old and new tools. Exploring generative art was a given. So when it came to building our website, we thought, “Generative art instead of standard graphics. Why not!”
Here’s a sample of what we came up with. Click here to check the entire series 🙂 If you would like us to experiment with your brand communication, let us know. We’ll be happy to help.
Grow on social media with these useful tips
Here are six simple tips to succeed in the Social age:*
1. Try and try till something works.*
2. Do more and more of that till it stops working.*
3. Tweak here and there to make it work again.*
4. Do this and that when it isn’t working anymore.*
5. Try more and more till something starts working again.*
6. Go to step 2.*
* Drop it when it stops making sense. Return to the real world.
Animated drawings with Meta AI
Hi, do you want to bring your drawings to life?
Great! Just go to Animated Drawings at Meta Demo Lab.
The rest is easy. Just upload your super cool drawing.
Erase the unnecessary parts. Adjust the joints the way you like it.
Press Next. Wait for a few teeny tiny seconds.
Done, that’s it! Watch your drawing come to life 😀
Go on then, build your own special world with your awesome characters and tell you story. If you want to, but feel you can’t, let us know. We can help you make it, like how we have helped others. That’s what we do at Jokar. We bring your story to life!
Very important questions
John Maeda has noted two Georges’ way of thinking about problems in their respective fields–Mathematics and Research. We see both these sets of questions fitting perfectly with marketing, business and life too.
George Pólya’s questions for problem solving in mathematics:
Understand the problem
• What is the unknown?
• What are the data?
• What is the condition?
• Can the problem be solved?Assumptions
• What can you or need you assume?
• What shouldn’t you assume?
• Have you made subconscious assumptions?Devising a plan of attack
• Have you seen this or a related problem before?
• Have you seen a similar unknown before?
• Can you restate the problem?
• If you can’t solve this problem, can you solve a similar or simpler problem?Aftermath
• Are you sure of the solution? Can you see it at a glance?
• Did you use all the data? the whole condition?
• Can you get the same solution another way?
• Are there other valid solutions?
• Can you apply the solution or method to another problem?
• Was this a satisfying problem to solve?.
George Heilmeier’s list of questions for solving research challenges:
- What are you trying to do? Articulate your objectives using absolutely no jargon.
- How is it done today, and what are the limits of current practice?
- What is new in your approach and why do you think it will be successful?
- Who cares? If you are successful, what difference will it make?
- What are the risks?
- How much will it cost?
- How long will it take?
- What are the mid-term and final “exams” to check for success?
Baker Tweet
The brief: Help the new café across from Poke put itself on the map.
Poke’s answer: A ‘magical’ box that enabled the staff to announce the arrival of fresh baked goods via Twitter. It was both novel and useful, getting people talking and ensuring that locals knew when to turn up to get the freshest bread.
Moral of the story: Social media is for us and not the other way around. Proved by the crazy bunch at Poke.