• What happens when AI hits the world’s largest film industry?

    If you have strong opinions or curiosity around AI and have 15 minutes to spare, watch this video by BBC on AI and its impact on the world’s largest movie industry. Shekhar Kapur has some very interesting observations and inferences on the topic.

  • Today’s internet

    Today’s internet is all about putting ourselves, our talents, skills and achievements on a pedestal. Because nobody else will.

  • Who is ChatGPT?

    ChatGPT is the junior copywriter every Creative Director wanted.

  • What does generative art teach you?

    With all the focus on generative art currently, we thought we will shed light on what it has taught us until now.

    A) Give up control after a certain point.

    B) Don’t chase perfection down to the last detail.

    C) Focus more on a different way of imagining things.

    D) Allow yourself to experience the joy of randomness.

    E) Open your mind to a whole new world of possibilities.

    F) Learn to enjoy the process.

    We have always liked tinkering with old and new tools. Exploring generative art was a given. So when it came to building our website, we thought, “Generative art instead of standard graphics. Why not!”

    Here’s a sample of what we came up with. Click here to check the entire series 🙂 If you would like us to experiment with your brand communication, let us know. We’ll be happy to help.

  • Grow on social media with these useful tips

    Here are six simple tips to succeed in the Social age:*

    1. Try and try till something works.*

    2. Do more and more of that till it stops working.*

    3. Tweak here and there to make it work again.*

    4. Do this and that when it isn’t working anymore.*

    5. Try more and more till something starts working again.*

    6. Go to step 2.*

    * Drop it when it stops making sense. Return to the real world.

  • Animated drawings with Meta AI

    Hi, do you want to bring your drawings to life?

    Great! Just go to Animated Drawings at Meta Demo Lab.

    The rest is easy. Just upload your super cool drawing.

    Erase the unnecessary parts. Adjust the joints the way you like it.

    Press Next. Wait for a few teeny tiny seconds.

    Done, that’s it! Watch your drawing come to life 😀

    Go on then, build your own special world with your awesome characters and tell you story. If you want to, but feel you can’t, let us know. We can help you make it, like how we have helped others. That’s what we do at Jokar. We bring your story to life!

  • The internet is broken

    There are no sweet, accidental discoveries on the internet anymore. At least not in the way it used to be before. Nowadays it’s just more of the same everywhere you see. All slaves to the same algorithms and keywords developed by a handful of monopolistic tech platforms. Just a mindless pursuit to be “visible” or rank first at some never-ending digital rat race. I miss the anticipation before logging on. I miss that tingling when I used to land somewhere unexpected. I miss the beautiful digital rabbit holes of that era. I miss the old internet.

  • Social Media basics

    Thinking of starting a new sticker pack. Interesting times ahead 🙂

  • Legacy?

    Are we giving too much importance to this term? What if we don’t bother much with this idea of what will we be leaving behind and all that stuff? And then calculating our every move based on that image we eventually want to build for others to see. How about we keep making stuff and just move on?

    And after we are long gone, there is someone who stumbles upon that stuff we made, our perspectives we put out there in the world.

    And you know, they connect with it instantly. Maybe with all of it. Because all that we created and shared, it somewhat resonates with them on many levels.

    Ya, it could be a whole bunch of people, or maybe just a few. What the heck, maybe it’s just that one person who really gets it.

    And that person makes an attempt to contact us, only to find out that we have left this world long back.

    They get to hear or read or see in bits and pieces how we strived every single day to learn something, to try something and be the best version of ourselves.

    They then treasure those stories along with whatever we created.

    And probably say to themselves, “I really wish I could’ve met this person.”

    Who wouldn’t like that? I know I would.

    So to repeat what I said at the beginning, just keep making and move on. For there is someone out there whose life you will enrich, someday.

  • An open letter to all creators

    Dear Fellow Creator,

    The idea in the commercial domain is like a baby. But … you are the nanny.

    Yes, you care immensely about it, and know what’s best for it. Remember though, it belongs to the agency, its mother and the client, its father. It is with them that it will go out in the world, holding each one’s hand, swinging with joy in between.

    Yes, there is a possibility that it may get pulled to either side. Or might get torn apart to shreds in the process.

    You will cry. You will shout. You will want to save it with every ounce of strength left in you. But you will be left with only one choice, a choice you will hate from the very core of your being.

    And that is, to look away. Sad but true.

    Listen, it was never your baby to begin with. It can never be.

    So why not give birth to your own baby? Be the parent. Raise it, nurture it to the best of your abilities. Give it the upbringing it deserves. And set it free in the world. For others to see it. For others to savour it. For others to live with it.

    That’s the way it is. That’s the way it should be.

    Go, start a side project today. May the power be with you.

    Sincerely yours,
    Just another creator